Cubacious News

Cubacious News

Why Cube BioSystems
Nov-15-2016 Cube Biosystems 0

We established Cube Biosystems as a unique brand of VitaScientific to better serve the cellular and molecular biology research needs of the biomedical research community. At, our mi..

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Researchers Find Alternative Pathways to HIV Antibodies
May-05-2016 Cube Biosystems 0

The immune system appears to hamper an investigational vaccine from inducing antibodies that protect against HIV infection, but there may be ways to overcome this impediment.                          ..

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6 Tips To Spending Your Start-Up Money Wisely
May-02-2016 Cube Biosystems 0

New hires frequently aren't offered much - if any - guidance on how to spent their start-up money wisely, ultimately increasing the risk of a premature financial burnout. We provide some common sense ..

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Tiny Microscopes Reveal Hidden Role of Nervous System Cells
Apr-28-2016 Cube Biosystems 0

A microscope about the size of a penny is giving scientists a new window into the everyday activity of cells within the spinal cord. The innovative technology revealed that astrocytes—cells in the ner..

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Retroviral DNA Needs Time To Find Its Home, But Insertion Happens In A Blink
Apr-27-2016 Cube Biosystems 0

Retroviruses such as HIV must insert their viral DNA into host-cell DNA. A new study reveals details about the viral DNA's search for an insertion point. The findings could help improve treatments for..

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Punch - Counterpunch: HIV Can Avoid CRISPR/Cas9 Editing
Apr-13-2016 Cube Biosystems 0

A few weeks ago we noted that by using CRISPR/Cas9 editing, researchers were able to remove HIV from stem cells. Unfortunately, a new study reveals that HIV is able to quickly adapt to this type of ge..

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Redhead Gene Doubles Melanoma Risk, Without Sun
Apr-07-2016 Cube Biosystems 0

Variants of the melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R) gene impart the red hair, fair skin, and freckles of a Prince Harry, Wilma Flintstone, or Donald Trump – and also poorer protection against ultraviolet (..

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Know Your Bugs - A Closer Look at Viruses, Bacteria, & Parasites
Apr-05-2016 Cube Biosystems 0

"Stop the spread of superbugs," "15 superbugs and other scary diseases" and "Superbug bacteria found in tested hotel rooms" are headlines we often read or hear about. But what do we mean when we say "..

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Eliminating HIV-1 from the Genome of Human T-Cells
Mar-22-2016 Cube Biosystems 0

A team at Temple University has successfully eliminated HIv-1 from human T-cells employing CRSIPR/Cas9 technology.                                                                               ..

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New Beta Lactams Help Kill Drug Resistant Bacteria
Mar-10-2016 Cube Biosystems 0

Merck researchers have identified nonantibiotic adjuvants termed tarocins that restore the killing activity of beta-lactams against methicillin-resistant staphylococci, thereby enabling the applicatio..

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Let's Hear it for Lefties!
Mar-02-2016 Cube Biosystems 0

Look up synonyms for left-handed and you get sinister, sinistral, dubious .. you get the picture. Here are some things you may not know about our nefarious other-handed brethren and sistren.          ..

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4 Cell Culture Hazards to Avoid
Mar-01-2016 Cube Biosystems 0

Here are 4 common cell culturing hazards to guard against...                                                               .smallWindow{ width: 700px; margin-left: auto; ma..

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Current State of HIV Research
Mar-01-2016 Cube Biosystems 0

Just where are we in terms of HIV research, what advances have we seen lately, and are we any closer to attaining that ultimate goal of a cure?                                                         ..

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Fighting Zika With Wolbachia
Feb-08-2016 Cube Biosystems 0

The Wolbachia bacteria may be used to fight the Zika virus. Wolbachia is currently under trials for reducing Dengue fever in a number of countries and has the potential to help stop the spread of the ..

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The Changing Face of Science
Feb-03-2016 Cube Biosystems 0

The growth in the number of women earning PhDs in STEM fields has outpaced the growth for men since 1984.                                                                .smallWindow{ wid..

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Has the Western Blot 'Evolved'?
Feb-02-2016 Cube Biosystems 0

The Western Blot technique for protein identification and quantification has definitely stood the test of time, but how much has it changed since 1979?                                                 ..

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HIV Continues to Replicate Despite Antiretrovirals
Jan-28-2016 Cube Biosystems 0

A new study demonstrates that HIV continues to replicate, even when it is no longer detectable in blood.                                                                               .smallWind..

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Quantum Biology: Understanding the Way We Work
Jan-07-2016 Cube Biosystems 0

Not only are the intricate details of quantum biology not fully understood, but the basic concept is also the source of much confusion. We try to better explain a "fuzzy" area of study that is rapidly..

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An Interview with a Richard Kitney: Synthetic Biology Pioneer
Dec-31-2015 Cube Biosystems 0

Is Synthetic Biology a new field or just a new name for genetic engineering? Exome interviews Richard Kitney one of the originators in the Synthetic Biology field.                                     ..

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On Demand Protein Synthesis
Dec-30-2015 Cube Biosystems 0

At team a ORNL has developed a microfabricated bioreactor to facilitate the on-demand production of therapeutic proteins for medicines and biopharmaceuticals.                                        ..

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Showing 21 to 40 of 66 (4 Pages)